Effective Business Presentations is one of our most popular and most important courses we teach. Each workshop is created specifically for the sponsoring organization and includes clear objectives for presentation success.
To identify and practice the essentials of a good presentation.
To understand the importance of the Text in a good presentation.
To learn the skills of Performance in a presentation.
To learn audience analysis and interaction skills.
To learn how to open and close a presentation effectively.
To learn how to use notes effectively.
To learn a duplicable process and use that process to create and deliver presentations quickly and easily.
Seminar members view themselves as learners and teachers as they critique one another's presentations during the workshop.
Course Structure:
Participants move through an understanding of the elements of a good presentation, including the purpose, the plan, the supporting data, and the conclusion.
Participants learn how to assess text by critiquing exercises presented by the instructor and their peers.
The workshop concludes with a video-recorded 10-15 minute presentation by each participant, in which they may use PowerPoint and take questions.
Two-day Session
Two Instructors