Business Writing

Effective Business Writing is intended to create better communicators through better writing. In today's business, we are data writers, we are negotiators, we are sales people, we have business needs. How do we communicate these needs through writing?

To review the basics of appropriate business writing.
To establish a process and a structure for specific data communication
To clarify a means to communicate complex data for different levels of readers.
To understand your audience and convey the correct message through appropriate tone and detail.
To eliminate the most common format, grammar, and usage mistakes.

Exercises and model formats developed from pre-course analysis.
Examination of "before" and "after" writing samples for understanding.
Working from “real-life” examples including Reports, Presentations, and Emails.

Course Structure:
Review the Basics of Business Writing
Learn the a Better Way to Structure
Review Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling Basics

1-day Session
1 Instructor

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